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In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Charity : On last Friday when we were waiting in a Mosque for Jummah Prayer...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Summer Tanager 

Summer Tanagers spend their winters in South America, so birdwatchers in the U.S. can expect these birds in the yard only in spring, summer, and early fall. The all-red male (left) seems a strange partner to the all-over greenish-yellow female (below left). They are unlikely to visit feeders but may come to moving water.

You'll find many more details about where this bird spends its winter, how it finds the way there, and how it knows when it's time to return here for breeding in 
Birds in the Yard Month by Month: What's There and Why, and How to Attract Those That Aren't. 

“Bismillaheer Rahmanir Raheem”
And thy Lord creates whatever He pleases and chooses whomsoever He pleases. 
It is not for them to choose. Glorified be Allah, and far is He above all that they associate with Him. And thy Lord knows what their breasts keep secret, and what they reveal. And He is Allah; there is no God but Allah. To Him belongs all praise in the beginning and the Hereafter. His is the judgment and to Him shall you be brought back. Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah make the night continue over you till the Day of rising from the dead, what God is there besides Allah(Sob:) who could bring you light? Will you not  listen yet?’ Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah make the day continue over you till the Day of rising from the dead, what God is there besides Allah(Sob:) who could bring you a night wherein you could rest? Will you not then see yet?’ (Al-Quran, 28, 69–73)  

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